Erica Gennaro, CTC, CSAT, CSAP-BC
Erica Gennaro is a graduate of The Academy for Dog Trainers and holds a Certificate in Training and Counseling. Erica also possesses two certifications specializing in separation anxiety training. She studied under Malena DiMartini and obtained her Certification in Separation Anxiety Training (CSAT), as well as under Julie Naismith, earning her Separation Anxiety Pro Trainer certificate. Originally from Cleveland, Ohio, Erica has called Boston her home since 2007. She has a passion for animal/human interaction, which has driven her to pursue a professional career in training dogs and their humans. Guided by the philosophy of her schooling at The Academy, Erica exclusively practices force-free training methods.
What is Force-Free training about?
Force-free, or Positive Reinforcement (PR), training is focused on providing your dog something that is reinforcing or desirable, like a treat or praise, immediately when the desired behavior occurs.
The result is an increased likelihood of the dog doing that behavior again in the future.
The PR learning approach applies across all species—from dogs to humans.
Why is Force-Free, Positive Reinforcement (PR) Training right for you?
It is an incredibly effective way to train your dog.
It builds a strong bond with a foundation of trust between you and your dog.
It doesn’t require you to force, hurt, or intimidate your dog.
You won’t anguish over hitting or scaring your dog.
It is the most up-to-date, science-based training approach.
When she’s not training dogs Erica can be found running up and down the Charles river or riding her bike to meet a client. Erica has completed more than 15 Marathons including all of the six World Marathon Majors.