Celebrating Wins for Dogs with Separation Anxiety

Our hearts ache when we hear about the challenges people face because their dogs suffer from separation anxiety. It can be incredibly frustrating, overwhelming, and isolating to have a dog that cannot be left alone. Even with diligent training, setbacks are inevitable. That's why I often remind my clients that it's normal for dogs to experience regressions or have difficult training days. Progress is rarely linear, and these fluctuations are part of the learning process. If your dog struggles with separation anxiety, you're likely familiar with the emotional roller coaster it entails.

I strongly believe in celebrating every victory, big or small, in the journey to overcome separation anxiety in dogs. Milestones such as your dog staying home alone for 10 minutes, 30 minutes, or the thrilling one-hour mark deserve recognition. Celebrations can also include simple accomplishments like grabbing a coffee from your favorite shop or dropping off a package at the post office without your dog becoming distressed.

Even the seemingly minor achievements, like packing your laptop or gym bag without causing your dog to react, are worth celebrating. These little victories remind dog guardians that progress is being made, no matter how small an accomplishment it might seem.

Let me share a personal example from my own experience with my dog, Arlo, who has separation anxiety. Arlo used to get upset when we locked the deadbolt during absences. We gradually incorporated this action into our training plan, and the first time we locked the deadbolt without him being concerned felt like hitting the jackpot. I was overjoyed and jumped with excitement. It might sound trivial, but it was a significant win for us.

We also celebrate behaviors that indicate progress during absences, such as sitting, lying down, or taking a nap. These moments bring immense satisfaction and hope.

Whatever the win, we're here to celebrate with you. Coping with a dog’s separation anxiety is a challenging journey, but cherishing these wins can make it a bit easier. We're in this together, and every step forward is worth celebrating.

For further insights into separation anxiety in dogs, please explore our main page. Additionally, we offer complimentary discovery calls for those interested in delving deeper into our training programs.

Everdog Training is located in Boston, MA, but accepts separation anxiety clients both nationwide and worldwide.


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